A Visit to Burg Eltz 

     Burg Eltz


Burg Eltz

Steve and Robin arrived this morning, in time to join a group of us for a drive to Burg Eltz, a castle near the Moselle River that has been occupied by the same family since the 12th century.

You can approach Burg Eltz by walking down a short, but steep, path from the parking lot, or by taking a 45-minute walk through the woods. The group divided, with some taking each route. The picture on the left was taken from the parking lot path.

The forest walk, below left, brings you to the castle entrance. Remarkably, both groups arrived at almost the same time.

Burg Eltz trail

Burg Eltz

Burg Eltz

Burg Eltz

That night the group met at the patio restaurant in the Göttert winery. The German soccer team played a quarterfinal match against Greece in the European championship that night, and there was a room set up off the patio with a large screen TV. John put the colors on Andy's face, and soon everyone was wearing the colors of the German flag.

Dinner was good, and so was the game. Germany won 4-2.


Soccer dinner


The German team advanced to the semifinal round but got no further than that.

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