Most of Thursday morning was spent cleaning up after the Polterabend. People stepped up to help, but there was one task that, by German custom, only Andy and Carmen could do - cleaning up the pile of broken plates, cups, roofing tiles, bathroom fixtures, etc.



The rest of the afternoon was relatively quiet.
The pictures below were taken at the Göttert winery where the Kotowicz family relaxed.

Some of the group went back to
Bad Kreuznach, left, to do some shopping.
Mike and Uncle Andy stayed behind to
explore the vineyards around the village.
Two pictures by Uncle Andy, below.
And that night, a group of Andy's and Carmen's friends
to help the visitors from the States learn how to be keglers.
Over beer and pizza, we tried German ten-pin bowling.
The names on the board show how many people played.

The single-lane alley was in a small room off the bar/restaurant.
Thanks to Andy's friend Sven, who is helping Andy keep score, above right,
the keglers from the States all received a personal souvenir.


Thanks, Sven! To my brothers Joe and Andy, maybe you should stick to US bowling.