
     September, 2014

SchlosshofThat is a drawing of Schlosshof 1, the Burckhardt family home in the village of Waldlaubersheim, Germany. It is a historic building on a lovely courtyard, and it was my home base for a week's visit in September 2014. Andy, Carmen and Amalia live on the second floor.

I was there to meet my little granddaughter Amalia, and spending time with her was the highlight of this trip. While I was there, I enjoyed walks in the village and the experience of the family's home life. It all made Grandma very happy!

Shortly before leaving Waldlaubersheim, my brother Joe and his wife Claudia arrived from their own vacation travels and spent two days in the village with us. Carmen and Amalia took us all on some local sightseeing trips before Joe, Claudia and I left to return to Frankfurt and our flights home.

Pictures from this visit are divided into two pages:

village         Waldlaubersheim

Lunch on the Rhine        Local Sightseeing

After leaving Waldlaubersheim, Joe, Claudia and I connected with Claudia's mother Margret who was celebrating her 80th birthday with her family in the city of Kassel. There is a separate collection of pictures from our visit to Wilhelmshöhe Park outside of Kassel.