Those are 1" thick red cedar shakes, delivered from British Columbia for our roof. But before they could be used, the old roof needed to come off. The six-man crew started at 7:30 a.m., and they were done before 9:30.
To see how they did it, click on any of the three pictures below to see a 40-second video clip.
Left: attic with the old insulation
Right: our garage, with
Mike's bicycles and
kayak suspended

The view across the front of our house (old skylight is above our kitchen, garage is in the background)
Below: the new cedar shakes arrive
Two trucks with new roofing materials pulled up to our house.
All of it was moved to our roof by means of conveyor belts on the moveable arms on top of each truck.
To see what that process looked like, click on any of the three pictures below to see a 35-second video clip.
While all this was happening on the roof, a crew was working on our new house fan.
The fan pulls outside air into the house, then up into the attic and out through new attic vents.
Yale Proctor (yellow shirt) is the son of R E Roofing founder and president, Paul Proctor.
He installed the fan above our living room and it does a great job!
By the end of the day, everything was in place to begin the construction of the new roof.