Our Garden
Summer 2011

Garden 2011

These pictures were all taken from April - early June, 2011. The little guardian angel had been watching over things for two years (and the bottle was a gift from my brother and sister-in-law).

The angel is sitting in front of a planting of Acorus Ogon grasses, and there is a Golden Spirit Smoke Bush behind on the level below.

Many of these pictures have been incorporated into a slide show.

Garden 2011
Garden 2011

There are "Wisley Pink" Helianthemum and "Johnson's Blue" Geraniums throughout the garden, along the retaining walls and paths.

The stepping stones go toward a Crape Myrtle tree. You can see the bottom of the climbing rose (Iceberg) and, across from it, one of the Phormium plants (New Zealand flax). Close-up views of the rose vine and flowers are below.

Garden 2011
Garden 2011
Garden 2011
Garden 2011
Garden 2011

Above are the pots of Ivy Geraniums and feather grasses on the main patio,
each positioned by an arbor post. The pictures below show the area to the
right of the patio, under the palm tree. The Merritt's Pink Hydrangea
was starting to achieve its deep pink color. The delicate pink flowers
are on the Impatiens shrub, just behind the Hydrangea.

Garden 2011
Garden 2011

The pictures below show the lower level of the garden.
Left: There is another Hydrangea behind one end of Mike's horseshoe pit.
Right: The "Apple Blosson" Penstemon and the Star Jasmine spills over
the curved retaining wall.
Below that is the view from the bedroom window,
looking over the firepit to the lower patio.

Garden 2011
Garden 2011
Garden 2011

The firepit is filled with glass -
a mix of clear and blue pieces.
The Dogwood and Coral Bark
Maple trees are on the lower level
next to the back fence.

Below are one of the Carpet Rose
plants and a Johnson's Blue
Geranium (hosting a visiting bee).

Garden 2011

Garden 2011

Garden 2011

The view looking up from one end of the horseshoe pit toward the firepit patio,
early June 2011.