Dogwood 2021

When we replanted our Los Altos back yard in 2009, I wanted to incorporate shades of pink and lavender. The tree outside the bedroom window, a Muskogee Crape Myrtle, displays these colors abundantly in the early summer.

This tree was severely cut back in the winter of 2020. Here's what it looked like as we entered the new year.

The four photos below track its growth through the spring and summer of 2021.

Crape Myrtle 2021


Crape Myrtle 2021


Crape Myrtle 2021


Crape Myrtle 2021


Crape Myrtle 2021


Below, a closer look at some of this development.

Crape Myrtle 2021 Crape Myrtle 2021

Crape Myrtle 2021

Crape Myrtle 2021

Crape Myrtle 2021 Crape Myrtle 2021
Crape Myrtle 2021
Crape Myrtle 2021 Crape Myrtle 2021

From its position on the top level of the garden, the Crape Myrtle overlooks the firepit patio. The first photo below was taken in early May, and the second three months later. The Dogwood tree is in the lower corner of the garden; it appears in the bottom right corner of each of these two photos.

Crape Myrtle 2021
Crape Myrtle 2021

This photo and the one below were taken from the bedroom window.

Crape Myrtle 2021

By November, the blossoms were gone and fall colors had arrived.

Crape Myrtle 2021