The photo above was taken as evening approached at Mesquite Sand Dunes. But before we arrived there, we had explored another canyon, and gone in search of other Death Valley sights.
The day started at Mosaic Canyon, where we slid up and down some narrow marble "slots." We are approaching one in this picture.

Mosaic Canyon is in the Stovepipe Wells area of Death Valley, and after exploring the canyon, we rewarded ourselves with lunch at one of the cafes there. This old miner greeted us outside the restaurant.
From there we went in search of pupfish at Salt Creek, below left. There was salty water but no pupfish to be found. Next, we visited the ruins of Harmony Borax Works, and by then we'd missed the sunset at the dunes, but managed to see some impressive mesquite trees (see top of page).

The skies over Death Valley are known for their starry displays. During our visit, however, stars were mostly erased by the brightness of a "supermoon," a full moon at close proximity to the earth.
While we didn't see many stars, we did see a large moon, here setting across the valley from Furnace Creek.