Welcome to Waldlaubersheim

     Waldlaubersheim Church


Credit: Wine Spectator

After connecting at the Frankfurt Airport, eight members of the George and Kotowicz families pulled into Waldlaubersheim on Sunday, June 18.

This lovely wine village dates from the Middle Ages, and the Burckhardt family home has been there since the 1500s. Their winery sign, below right, stands at the entrance to the Schlosshof courtyard, and says "Home of the Nahe Wine Queen, Carmen."



The Schlosshof courtyard in front of the Burckhardt home, pictures below, became our regular meeting place.
Carmen's parents, Werner and Erika, live on the first floor, while Andy and Carmen live in an apartment on the second floor.
The Burckhardt winery building and tasting room are across the courtyard.

Also across the courtyard is the home of the Burgermeister Rainer Schmitt and his wife Elli. These good friends provided rooms for Andy's high school friends - John, Akira, Spencer and Ash - who had arrived shortly before we did.



In addition to the Burckhardt's, there are several family-run wineries in Waldlaubersehim, some with guest rooms.
The Kotowicz family stayed at Weingut Göttert, above their restaurant, Zur Linde. The Schlosshof courtyard was across the street.




The George Family, including Mike and me, stayed at Weingut Merg-Frick, winery building and breakfast table, above.
The "Waldlaubersehim building" was across the street. Below right, the view from our room.


Waldlaubersheim Church

That afternoon, Carmen's mother Erika, below, performed in the village with her dance group during a "cake and coffee" social.


What a lovely way to start the week!

Erika's Dance
Erika's dance

Mia, the Burckhardt's cat, was always around the courtyard - as were Tommy and Wilson.
Mia is in Erika's kitchen, above.
Dinner on Sunday night was hosted for all of us by Andy and Carmen
at one of the winery restaurants in the village.

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