
A Visit with
Jocelyn and Luciana

February 25, 2015

twins twins

My friend, Grandma Barbara, took the picture above of her two new granddaughters when they were almost two weeks old. About a month later, I met the twins for the first time.

twins twins

Luciana is looking intently at Mommy, while Jocelyn is in the arms of Grandma.

Below, the 7-week-old twins seemed to enjoy checking each other out.


Click HERE to see a
slide show (one minute and 15 seconds)
of these and other pictures of the twins.


twins twins

The slides are accompanied by "Together Wherever
We Go
," sung by
Judy Garland and
Liza Minnelli.

twins twins twins

And here they are four months later - Luciana on the left, Jocelyn on the right.