The two pictures below, taken 14 years apart, show the entrance to the Schlosshof courtyard from opposite directions. The courtyard has changed quite a bit over those years. The structure behind the sign, and the sign itself, are now gone. Where the winery storage building once stood, Werner and Erika now have a new home, adjoining the original Schlosshof building, and a new garden.
In 2021 Andy designed and built a shed to stand behind that wall to house the bins that you can see in the photo on the right. The shed also creates a boundary and provides some privacy for the garden and play area behind it. The project spanned several months, starting with the clearing of the space.

The floor of the shed was mapped out and paving tiles were laid. The bins will have a solid foundation to stand on.
After that, the shed started to take shape.

With supports in place for a roof and doors, the shed was ready for the installation of its tile roof.

The project was finished in early 2022 with the addition of a pair of front doors.

A practical and attractive addition at the entrance to the courtyard