This is the top of the Kalmit, the highest point in the Pfalz forest. It was one of the places that Andy and four of his friends hiked to during a trek through the area. While this group has taken some serious mountain hikes in the Alps, that has not been possible during the pandemic. This year, the group chose the Pfalz Wine Region, about an hour's drive south of Waldlaubersheim, for three days of wandering through forests, vineyards and German history.

The group could enjoy the beauty of nature around them, and they had a good time indoors as well.

This is Hambach Castle (Hambacher Schloss). A symbol of democracy in Germany, it was the site of a public demonstration in support of German unity and democracy in 1832.
The castle is located near Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, the town that was a base of operations for this adventure.