If 'good fences make good neighbors', then Payne and Mike should be very good neighbors. The fence between our homes was falling apart, and the two men, under the watchful eye of Payne's cat Mig, set about replacing it.
They sorted the old wood, pulled out nails, and kept the pieces that might be reused. Then they started to break up the concrete that held the old posts . . this led to a decision to rent a jack hammer.
After digging some more post holes, they decided another equipment rental was in order - an auger, or as Mike called it, a gas-powered hole digger. By the second day, they were cementing new posts into the ground.

Next came
the stringers,
giving the fence
its basic shape.

You can see
the recycled
pieces behind
the oleander,
above left.
The facing was fastened into place, and
the fence
was finished.
The supervisor
gives it a final
and says
"Well done!"
Epilog: A New Gate
A few months later, Mike went back and added a new gate at the side of our garage. The old gate had died years ago - back when we took our pool out and this passageway was being used as a construction thoroughfare.
Now we have a gate to match our new fence, complete with a sun-powered light on the post.
Nice job, Mike.