Starting at Standing Rock Cemetery

It was a lovely fall day and my sister-in-law Cindy and I went for a ride to photograph the colors. We didn't have to go very far to find what we were looking for.
Our first stop was at Standing Rock Cemetery in Kent, where we both said we could have spent the rest of the day.
Our first stop was at Standing Rock Cemetery in Kent, where we both said we could have spent the rest of the day.

Views from the road

Leaving the cemetery, we headed toward Lake Rockwell in Kent, where most of these next pictures were taken. Returning to town for lunch, we parked on the Main Street Bridge overlooking the Cuyahoga River where I took the last two pictures in this set.

Around Stonewater Drive

The main street through our neighborhood is Stonewater Drive. The picture on the right was taken at the entrance to our "pod."
The two pictures immediately below were both taken outside our back door. The two below that were taken near the entrance to the development.
The two pictures immediately below were both taken outside our back door. The two below that were taken near the entrance to the development.


Folks in Ohio take Halloween seriously. Starting in September, we began seeing skeletons and witches in the neighborhood. The skull on the right was our lunch companion that afternoon in Kent. He sat on the window sill next to our table.
The last two pictures on this page were taken at Beckwith's Orchard. In the fall, Beckwith's is a well known source of apple cider, pumpkins and pumpkin pie in Kent.
The last two pictures on this page were taken at Beckwith's Orchard. In the fall, Beckwith's is a well known source of apple cider, pumpkins and pumpkin pie in Kent.